All cash purchases include a 2.9% dealer fee and follow a three-part payment schedule as outlined below. Payments can be made via electronic funds transfer or credit card. Phone payments are not accepted.
- Payment 1 - In select states (including California, Nevada, and Ohio), a deposit is required when you sign your contract. The remaining balance is then split across Payments 2 and 3 below.
In all other states, Payment 1 is due 0-5 days after your contract has been approved and must be paid to initiate the permitting and approval process.
- Payment 2 is due once all pre-installation permits and approvals have been received and must be paid prior to installation.
- Payment 2 is due when your system is activated.
In all states that DO NOT require a deposit, the payments are as follows.
- Payment 1: 30%
- Payment 2: 60%
- Payment 3: 10%
In states that DO require a deposit, the payments are as follows.
- Payment 1: $1,000 in CA and NV, 10% in OH
- Payment 2: 60% in CA and NV, 80% in OH
- Payment 3: 40% in CA and NV, 10% in OH
There may be additional payments if site improvements are required.
*This content is for educational purposes only. Palmetto does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors.